Principles Of Effective Communication

This blog will contain the 3 principles of effective communication, these are devided into 3 main areas: General, Interpersonal and Written Communication Skills


Question and Answer:

This form of communication can be used for clarifying points that you maybe haven't went over in full, it is a good way to find out whether your audience has been listening or have they understood what it is you are saying however a question and answer session can also give the impression that the audience can ask any question and the speaker will answer it, this is not always the case. Question and answer is necessary as it provides the person asking the question with a good answer and the person being asked the question feedback to what they have been going over.

Adapting to suit the audience:

-Voice Modulating
Voice modulating means moving the pitch up and down, the alternative to this is keeping an even pitch throughout which will be monotone; this will be boring for people to listen too. Within the rainbow organisation voice modulating will help the company when workers are trying to present something to help raise more money or when they are trying to sort out an event and also keep the people they're talking to interested which will improve the relationship between staff and clients because when speaking to the clients they will also be interested in what you're saying.

-Pitch Change: A change in frequency in speaking tone, this will provide the listener with a signal that something is happening, a pitch change helps emphasis in words with rising and lowering tones adding subtle meaning. A pitch change within the rainbow organisation is necessary when speaking as they are a charity group who will have to give presentations and speak at events, they could not get up and speak in a monotone voice the whole time as the listener would switch off after a couple of minutes.

A pitch change could help improve the relationships between staff because if you are using a different pitch when speaking they will get the impression that you are happy about what you are doing within your work, it will also improve the relationship between clients because they will hear that the workers are interested when speaking to them and will make them want to return to the rainbow group thus increasing profit for them


Interpersonal skills come into play when you’re talking to someone face to face it helps to give and collect information, they influence the behaviour of others and express personal needs. It is used to understand the needs of others

Positive language: It tells the user what the goal is, it also tells the listener what can be done and suggests alternative choices available, using positive language can also sound helpful and encouraging. The word "yes" is a positive response to a question; facial expressions such as a smile can portray positive language also nodding your head helps get across your willingness to listen to them.
Examples of positive language would be "this is quite interesting" or "where can I find out more about this" This type of language will be useful in the in the rainbow organisation as it will help the people with talking to people who may want to donate money to them

Lip Reading- Lip-reading is 'seeing the sound of speech' – the movements of the lips and the tongue, it is necessary because many people that would use the rainbow organisation would be def and need to use lip reading. It could be used between clients because the other clients may also be def and its the only way they are able to communicate, it could help improve the relationship between staff as if a staff member is able to lip read then they are able to communicate with the def people.

Written Communication

Proof Reading: What proof reading is the process of checking over and looking for errors within a piece of text. Proof reading is necessary within rainbow as there will be a lot of letters and emails that will be sent out from staff and they will all have to be proof read to insure there are no spelling mistakes which may have a negative effect on their business. Proof reading could be used between volunteers and clients because the workers will be sending out emails to clients and vice versa, they will all need to be proof read to insure that each person is able to read and understand the letter/email.

Structure: The structure of a document determines how easy it is to read and make up, a document with great structure can be easily read and analysed whereas one with poor structure is not as easily read. If an email or document has a lot of writing in one big chunk it is important to split it up using bullet points if appropriate as this allow it to be read in a logical format and makes it easy to read and understand.

The use of heading and subheadings is also very important because it makes the document look well laid out and easy to read, also if it contains heading and subheading it will make it easier for the person to find the information they are looking for without hassle. If the rainbow group do not have good structure when writing things then this will portray them as unprofessional and have a negative impact of their name.


Methods of Interpersonal Communication

-Verbal: Verbal communication is talking to someone and they are listening, when you are talking to somebody you assume they are listening, we also would assume they can understand you and want to listen to you. Within the rainbow organisation verbal communication is necessary for communicating to the manager to find out important information, this can help to improve the relationship between staff because when they are talking with them it is easier to get a point across rather than using email and it is also easier to get feedback. With clients if the worker goes out to see the client they are able to speak with them verbally and explain their points and get feedback from the client.

-Positive Language: The word ‘Yes’ is a positive response to a question. Positive language is necessary because it will show clients and staff that you are a positive person and are ready to deal with people in a positive way and help them.  It tells the listener what the goal is and how to achieve it and also sounds helpful and encouraging rather than rigid and unapproachable.

It will help improve relationships between staff because when the staff are communicating with each other and using positive language the will get across there positive tone which will be passed on with other members of staff, it will improve the relationships with clients because if the workers are dealing with clients and they are using positive language the clients will realize that they are trying to help them and come back to them again.

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